Friday, June 15, 2012

Where Are We Going With This?

So, I started this BLOG, and I wrote sort of an intro type post, and then I had no idea what to do next. I read other blogs, about kids or autism or homemaking or frugality or politics or religion or recipes or crafts or books or whatever and I tried to pick one for my topic.
Then it hit me. I am all over the map, so why not just go with that? In the spirit of my newfound freedom, I offer the universe my fantastic tip for a sparkling clean bathroom! (Pause for cheers and whistles)

First, you need someone to puke all over your bathroom. I used my kid, but it could be your mother-in-law, neighbor, or family pet.

Once you clean up the "ground zero" of barf, (in my case the toilet, including the back, sides and nearby floor) you will notice all sorts of grossness that will inspire you to wash the rugs and shower curtain.

*awesome tip alert!*

If, like me, you take down your shower curtain and realize the liner is totally revolting, here is what you do: throw it in the tub, run hot water, squirt in some dish soap or Castile soap and a glug of white vinegar (be sure it's a glug and NOT a slosh!!) swish it around and let it sit. Sometime later, let out the water and hang the liner back up. Ta da!
I have no relevant picture, so here is one of Little Chicken's portraits of Anny

My liner is clear, and with the soapy build up it looked opaque. That vinegar got it all off, and the bits of weird pink mildew that were starting, too. It is once again clear!

Next you will be inspired to wash the floor, because who wants to put freshly cleaned rugs in a scuzzy floor? Not this infrequent floor scrubber! After that, the other stuff will seem easy, so you might as well do them. Now your bathroom is totally clean, ready for the next hazmat situation your family has in store.

You're welcome. Now quit reading and go clean up that vomit!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Is This Thing On??

Well, this is awkward.  I decided to start a blog, since I seem to have a lot to say and no one to listen.  I am techno-challenged, and I figured it would be hard to set up, but I think I did it.  However, the first draft disappeared into the ether.  Is This Thing ON????
 Little Chicken.  Looking at little chickens.
This is Little Chicken.  She's pretty much the star of this show, but I am up for an award for my supporting role.  Life with her is pretty interesting, and when it gets TOO interesting there is beer.  And wine.  She has mild autism and just finished Kindergarten.  She is the coolest person I know.  Sometimes I want to send her out into the woods to live with the raccoons, but mostly I really like her.  We are on day 6 of summer vacation, and I am hoping to survive with most of my limbs.  She's a high maintenance Chicken.  

                                                      Wish me luck!!!!